From Multiple Atomics to Clean Progress Tracking

There was a period in my life when I often wrote scripts that processed or transferred data in parallel (one of such stories). Those scripts were too small to mess with proper monitoring and Grafana dashboards. Still, I needed a simple way to see if things were moving forward and at what rate, to be able to tweak various parameters.

Since my scripts were concurrent, I usually found myself writing code like this:

var successCnt, errorCnt, skippedCnt, inProgressCnt atomic.Int64

// In worker goroutines
// ... somewhere else ...
// ... and again ...

// Spawn a goroutine to print progress periodically
go func() {
    for ctx.Err() == nil {
        fmt.Printf("Success: %d, Errors: %d, Skipped: %d, In Progress: %d\n",
            successCnt.Load(), errorCnt.Load(), skippedCnt.Load(), inProgressCnt.Load(),


This worked to some extent, but had several annoyances:

  • The output wasn’t very readable, especially when there were many counters or values were long
  • Each new script needed to repeat the same progress tracking and printing code
  • It wasn’t convenient to add new counters

Instead, I wanted something that would:

  • Create new counters dynamically on first use
  • Be plug-and-play: no configuration, no boilerplate
  • Print progress cleanly and in-place
  • Preserve existing log output of the application (wouldn’t overwrite it with in-place updates)
  • Be fast and lock-free

I haven’t considered fancy TUI frameworks for in-place updates. Usually I just launch such scripts in kuberenetes as one-off pods, and use kubectl logs -f to monitor them. So I needed something that just outputs progress directly to stdout or stderr.

A Better Way

Here’s what I came up with. This little demo shows how progress is updated in-place, while exiting log output stays preserved:


Code-wise, developers just need to create a dspc.Progress instance and use Inc function to increment/decrement named counters. The PrettyPrintEvery function periodically prints the values of all known counters.

// Create an instance and print progress to stdout every 100ms
var progress dspc.Progress
defer progress.PrettyPrintEvery(os.Stdout, 100*time.Millisecond, "Progress:")()

// In worker goroutines
progress.Inc("done", 1)
progress.Inc("errors", 1)
progress.Inc("errors[timeout]", 1)

After using this in several scripts, I found it useful and convenient enough to be published as an open-source package. It’s called dspc (dead simple progress counter) and is available on GitHub

Thread-Safety Without Locks

A few words about the implementation. It’s still a collection of atomic variables, but this time they’re created dynamically on demand and stored in a Go map. So when a counter is present in the map, incrementing it is just a single atomic operation.

The tricky part here is adding new counters to the map without using locks. The solution uses a combination of two patterns:

  1. Copy-on-Write — when a new counter needs to be added, we create a complete copy of the map with the new counter added
  2. Compare-and-Swap — we use atomic.CompareAndSwap to safely switch to the new version of the map

While this means adding a new counter requires copying the whole map, in practice this has a virtually zero cost since the number of different counter categories is very small in real-world scenarios.

This implementation is at least 2x faster than a mutex-protected map in concurrent scenarios. But what was even more surprising to me — in a single-threaded scenario it’s a bit faster than a raw, unprotected map[string]int.


While dspc is a small tool solving a specific problem, it demonstrates how a thoughtful abstraction can improve developer experience. The lock-free implementation using copy-on-write provides excellent performance characteristics due to the typically small number of distinct counters. The source code is available at Feel free to use it in your scripts or adapt the copy-on-write pattern for similar scenarios.